Give Your Best To Your Best



We occupy most of our days at work. We spend a lot of time with the people we work with.  How do you treat the people you work with?  Do you treat them better than your husband, wife, significant other or kids?

Who are you giving your best to?  Are you leaving your best at work or are you giving it to those that are closest to you at home?

Many of you tend to work late.  Set a time to leave work by and stick to it. An example would be to be out the door by 5:30 p.m. If necessary have a plan that you have discussed with your spouse or significant other that you intend to work late one night a week and let them know when that night is planned.

Before you get home stop and clear email on your phone, return any calls that need to be made and check any websites you need to check.  Stop at a parking lot or a store near your home.  Better yet, do this before you leave work.

I have known and coached people that have a card on the dash of their car or visor that says “Give Your Best To Your Best.”

Give Your Best to Your Best

Here is what to do tonight when you get home. When you walk in the door to your house or apartment forget about work and give your best to your best. Be present.  Hug your spouse, play with your kids and have dinner together.

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Be Great!

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